
Editor: Gola - John’s Wall

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Crag Profile: Gola - John’s Wall

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: Directions: From Easter Wall descend to sea level down the slabs and steps towards the main wall of Gola sitting across the huge sea inlet. This wall provides excellent climbing from a tidal sea level platform, calm seas and dry weather required as wall faces north and receives very little sun.

OS Grid Reference: B757266

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1 - For John
HVS 4c
Length: 15m
C. McGrory, R. Dowd 25/06/12
Climb the second full crag height corner in from the corner.
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2 - Fat Bar Steward
HS 4b
Length: 15m
N. Kelly, R. Dowd 25/06/12
 Climb the first full crag height crack line in from the corner, crux is the start.
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3 - Reach & Grin
VS 4b
Length: 15m
I. Miller, C. Collins, L. 25/06/12
Climb the corner at the right hand end of the crag.
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3a - La Giaconda
E1 5b
Length: 8m
R Kernan, L Davison 10/6/14 (toproped first)
 2m right of Reach & Grin. Climb short overhanging crack to horizontal break, place gear, take breath and move up and right to flake. Proceed up this, with a tricky step left to another flake near top. Gear in first third.
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