
Editor: Cruit Island - Albatross Sea Wall

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Crag Profile: Cruit Island - Albatross Sea Wall

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Albatross sea wall, Cruit. - Albatross sea wall Topo.

Directions: This wall of immaculate seawashed Granite is found immediately to the North of the Zawn containing the Albatross Buttress. The Routes are described from the Northern end moving towards the Albatross Zawn.(Moving away from the sandy Beach) 

OS Grid Reference: B730207

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1 - Faithless
HS 4a
Length: 10m
M. Bonner, C. Gleeson, I. Miller 07/06/09
At the Northern end of the sea wall, the cliff sweeps inland to form a large sheltered corner, access is by scramble from slightly further North. This route climbs the first steep corner.
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2 - Consolation Prize
VS 4c
Length: 10m
David Craig and Síle Daly 25/06/09
The crack between Faithless and Kickapoo climbed using holds on the arête.
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3 - Kickapoo **
* *
S 4a
Length: 10m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson, M. Bonner, A. Tees 07/06/09
Climb the steeper corner immediately to the right of "Faithless." Jug hauling up excellent steep ground.
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4 - Middle Aged Groper
S 4a
Length: 15m
I. Miller, M. Bonner, C. Gleeson 07/06/09
Climb the obvious corner ramp, up into and through the exit chimney. Much easier than it looks!
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5 - Fitze Fitze Fatze *
E2 5c
Length: 20m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 20/09/10
Climb the roof crack to the right of "Middle Aged Groper." very strenuous! :-)
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6 - The Conniption.
VS 5a
Length: 25m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 23/08/09
Climb the steep cracks immediately to the left of "Magical Mystery Tour."
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7 - Magical Mystery Tour **
* *
S 4a
Length: 30m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson, M. Bonner 07/06/09
From the start of the previous 3 Routes, Traverse out seaward along the superb horizontal hand crack and out onto the main seaward wall. Ascend the first and easiest way to the summit on monster jugs and gear up a huge chimney/groove.
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8 - Wan Hoan ina Boax
HS 4b
Length: 30m
I. Miller, M. Bonner 24/06/09
From the starting belay at North end of crag, traverse the obvious horizontal break (as for Magical Mystery Tour) and continue along break, (foot traverse) out southward along main sea face, finaly ascend the hand crack between "Magical Mystery Tour" and "Rain Stopped Play" to the summit.
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9 - Rain Stopped Play
HS 4b
Length: 30m
I. Miller, E. Wallace, M. Bonner 16/06/09
From the starting belay at North end of crag, traverse the obvious horizontal break (as for Magical Mystery Tour) and continue along break, (foot traverse) out southward along main sea face, finaly ascend the hand crack 2 mtr left of "Noble Steed" to the summit.
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10 - Noble Steed
VS 4c
Length: 15m
I. Miller, F. Mullin, A. Tees 07/06/09
Climb the steep hand crack and groove 2 mtr left/North of "Good Ship Calabar."
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11 - Good Ship Calabar
VS 4b
Length: 15m
A. Tees, C. Gleeson, I. Miller 07/06/09
Abseil to the wee tidal stance at the southern end of the sea wall, immediately before it steps down to the lower platform. From this restricted wee stance climb direct to the summit through the roof on superb rock and holds.
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12 - Legavallon Grooves
S 4a
Length: 15m
A. Tees, F. Mullin 07/06/09
Climb the wide groove 2 metre to the right of "Good Ship Calabar" to arrive on the stepped down platform. Scramble up excellent rock to the summit.
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13 - Kon-Tiki
S 4a
Length: 20m
Danny Carden, Eamon Quinn. Aug ’10.
Approach by abseil. Jam the pleasant fluted cracks two metres right of Legavallon Grooves, walk across the huge half crag height platform then climb the middle of the easier wall above via a large tooth.
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14 - Spring Tide
Length: 12m
I. Miller 22/03/11
Approx. 8m to the right of "Legavallon Grooves," climb the excellent juggy groove.
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15 - Get your Booties on
HS 4b
Length: 12m
W. Schuessler 22/03/11
At the far right of "Albatross Seawall" the crag turns 90 degrees into "Albatross Zawn," climb this excellent corner at the junction of the two crags.
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16 - Monad
VS 5a
Length: 50m
I. Miller 24/03/10
Starting from the "Faithless" & "Kickapoo" ledge continue to traverse along the central break of the sea face of this wall until forced to ascend onto the  summit at the southern end of the crag. (approx 15m beyond "Legavallon Grooves") With a very distinct crux and it involves a bear hug! :-) 
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