
Editor: Sea Stack: Humped Ridge Stack

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Crag Profile: Sea Stack: Humped Ridge Stack

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Humped Ridge Stack - SW aran Island


OS Grid Reference: B641155

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At the Southern end of the seaward face the steepness eases and quartz jugs become abundant
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3 - Seal Song
Length: 20m
Iain Miller 08/06/10
Climb the line of least resistance immediately as the angle of the face eases.
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4 - Selkies Song
Length: 15m
Iain Miller 08/06/10
3m right of "Seal Song" climb the airy crack and jug haul to the true summit.
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The South Face.
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5 - Vice Grip
Length: 25m
Iain Miller 08/06/10
Climb the seaward edge of the South face, up superb quartz jugs and up through a tricky wee groove to the summit. 
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6 - Popcorn
Length: 25m
Iain Miller 08/06/10
Climb the centre of the sea ward face and up the left trending ramp to the summit.
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The East Face. The Slabby East face is 40m long and is immaculate nobular Quartz, it can be climbed scrambled any where at Diff/V.Diff.
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