
Editor: Cruit Island - Western Island

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Crag Profile: Cruit Island - Western Island

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Western Island, Cruit.

Directions: To the West of Cruit, approx 500m NW beyond Traderg Walls sits this excellent wee island. The island can be accessed at ALL states of tides by the raised sandbar beach linking it to mainland Cruit.

OS Grid Reference: B726215

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1 - Wriggle & Squirm
Length: 25m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 21/03/11
As you walk onto Western Island following the vague track to the left of Zinken Wall, keep looking at your feet and you'll find the "grassy bridge" across the chasm. This route squirms through the chasm from sea level to exit through the hole at the far end. Ungradable and a bit of a jamfest for the chubby! :-)
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2 - Silly Children
* *
XS 6a
Length: 18m
S. "Jock" Read, I Miller 27/4/11
 The main and centre outstanding cave, chimney as far as you can into the depth at sea level and ascend through the chock stones to exit through the cliff top rubble. An easier version (Fat Man's Exit) exit seaward to the highest seaward chock stone.
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3 - Smiler
HS 4b
Length: 10m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 01/10/11
From the huge semi submerged boulder at the entrance to "Silly Children," gain the white spike on wall above and continue up on fine flutings of immaculate Granite, trending slightly right to the highest point of the crag.
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4 - Jock's Groove
S -
Length: 8m
S."Jock" Read 24/07/11
3 meters to the left of "Smiler," climb the thin hand crack/groove.
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5 - Sea Sculptured Perfection
HS 4b
Length: 15m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 01/10/11
From the entrance to "Silly Children," traverse just above the high water mark out toward the sea to a wee stance below the left facing corner. Continue seaward making a rising traverse and hand traverse out along an immaculate Quartz jug rail to the far end of the crag.
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6 - Grovel
VD -
Length: 15m
S."Jock" Read, I. Miller 24/07/11
20m along from the "Silly Children" Chasm, there is another chasm. Abseil down slabby perfection on it's seaward side and grovel your way up, into and out through the chock stones of this chasm.
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7 - Happy Corner
S -
Length: 10m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 01/10/11
On the landward facing wall of the "Grovel" chasm, climb the shallow left facing corner and jugs above to the highest point of the wall.
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8 - Lurch
VD -
Length: 8m
I. Miller, S."Jock" Reed 27/04/11
Climb the ramp with the Arm/Leg jammer on the seaward facing wall in the chasm.
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9 - Clean Shaven
VD -
Length: 13m
D. OConnor, I. Miller, S. Taggart 28/07/10
3m to the left of "Belayed by a Muppet," climb the full crag height quartz vein.
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10 - Wolf's Slab
HVS 4c
Length: 15m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 14/03/11
A metre to the right of the "Clean Shaven" Quartz vein climb the slab direct to the summit. 
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11 - Tip Toe Direct
HVS 4c
Length: 15m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 14/03/11
A metre to the left of the "Belayed by a Muppet" chimney, climb the slab direct with a steep run out juggy finish.
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12 - Belayed by a Muppet
Length: 14m
I. Miller, D. O'Connor, S Taggart 28/07/10
 As you approach the island from Cruitmainland this crag is on your right, on the landward face of the island.  In the centre of this dogleg crag, climb the wide groove on big jugs and big gear.
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13 - Neptune's Corner
VD -
Length: 9m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 14/03/11
Starting at the corner of the wall, where the crag turns to face the sea. Climb the quartz vein until you can gain the first huge flake jug and follow the flake jugs to the summit.
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14 - Nut Flake
* *
VS 4c
Length: 9m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 14/03/11
3m to the right of "Neptune's Corner," climb the vertical crack to the jug on top. Continue trending left up a steep wall of perfect jugs to the summit.
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15 - Hitchhiker's Paradise
VS 4c
Length: 9m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 14/03/11
2m right of the vertical crack taken by "Nut Crack," climb the steep wall to gain the recess and climb the overhung corner above to the summit.
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16 - Dynamic Tension
* *
HVS 5b
Length: 9m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 21/03/11
4m to the right of "Nut Crack" climb the easy ramp to gain a horizontal break by a long reach, gain the flake above to the top. 
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17 - Flake Crack
VD -
Length: 9m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 21/03/11
In the centre of the wall climb the collection of white flakes.
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18 - Westerning Home
* *
Length: 9m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 14/03/11
On the wall to the left of the arete taken by "Optical Arete," there are two full crag height right trending cracks. Climb the left one.
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19 - Riddle Seep
S 4a
Length: 9m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 26/04/11
Climb the deep full crag height right trending crack line, to the left of "Optical Wall." 
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20 - Optical Wall
HS 4b
Length: 9m
I. Miller, W. Schuessler 21/03/11
Climb the corner crack up the left of the inverted triangle of white rock and continue up the center of the triangle.
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21 - Optical Arete
Length: 9m
I. Miller, B. Forrest, W. Schuessler 15/03/11
At the end of the non tidal ledge just before it steps down to a wee rock island, climb the juggy arete. 
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22 - Good to have friends
VS 5a
Length: 10m
W. Schuessler, B. Forrest, I. Miller 15/03/11
From the rock island at the far right of the crag, climb direct to the left right trending crack and climb it to the summit.
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23 - Kayaker's Krack
HS 4b
Length: 10m
I. Miller, B. Forrest, W. Schuessler 15/03/11
From the rock island climb the full crag height right trending crack.
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24 - Blockend
S 4a
Length: 9m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 26/04/11
At the sea ward end of the wall just to the right of "Kayakers Krack," climb the right trending fault and up the bulge above to a jugfest finish.
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