
Editor: Cruit Island - Scalpachore Wall. West Face

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Crag Profile: Cruit Island - Scalpachore Wall. West Face

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: The seaward face of Scalpachore Wall, access by scramble down easy ledges either side of the wall. Low to Mid tide and calm seas required.

OS Grid Reference: B728213

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13 - Dorsal Fin
HVS 5a
Length: 8m
T Ralphs, N Robinson, G Lancashire 21/10/13
Start below the obvious flake to the left of the gully. Climb the initial crack and then the overhanging flakes above. Move out right at the top to gain jugs
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12 - Minnow
HVS 5b
Length: 8m
t Ralphs, N Robinson, G Lancashire
Climb the tapered crack in the buttress to the left of the descent  gully. Pull powerfully up this then layback the small arete above until you can stand on the ledge at half height. Climb up the wide cracks more easily to the top
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11 - Shrimp
VS 4c
Length: 8m
T Ralphs, N Robinson, G Lancashire 21/10/13
Start just left of the araete on the buttress left of the descent gully. Climb up powerfully on good holds. A high foot on the ramp allows a pocket in the wall above to be used. Move up slightly left and finish more easily to the top
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10 - Subterranean Pleasure
Length: 15m
I. Miller, D. O'Connor 02/08/10
Running behind the steep left wall of this crag is a very deep & thin chasm with a huge chock stone at the top and another below it in the depths. Climb into this chasm from sea level and grunt your way to the lower chock stone, (harder for the chunky) continue more easily to day light.
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9 - Petrus
* *
HVS 5a
Length: 15m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 20/09/10
At the sea ward end of the superb horizontally grooved wall, climb the shallow left facing corner.
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8c - Banded Wall
E2 5a
Length: 12m
T Ralphs, N Robinson, G Lancashire 21/10/13
Start up a vertical flake then move up and left to a diagonal crack. Climb up this, trending slightly right. Then climb up the wall straight above
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8b - Sailing To Philadelphia
E4 6a
Length: 12m
T Ralphs, G Lancashire, 21/10/13 (1 rest point)
Start as for "Cantilever Crack" but pull left almost immediately into vertical flakes. A stiff pull to a horizontal break is followed by a long reach to the next break over a bulge. Climb straight up on rounded breaks
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8a - Cantilever Crack
E3 5c
Length: 10m
T Ralphs, N Robinson, G Lancashire
Climbs the obvious vertical Crack on the right side of the wall. The crack peters out at about 2/3rds height. Climb straight up at this point. There is a crucial 00 Black Diamond  camalot at this point. Take care as the rock is quite sugary
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8 - Tecumseh Valley
VS 4c
Length: 10m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 21/09/10
Climb the left Arete which makes the left wall of "Subterranean Innovation." Finish by bridging to the chockstone, a direct finish awaits the steely fingered. 
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7 - Subterranean Innovation
XS -
Length: 15m
I. Miller, D. O'Connor, S. Taggart 28/07/10
The crag is split by a deep chimney with a capping chock stone. Walk into and squirm up into the depth, continue thrutching until daylight. 
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6 - No Place to Fall
HVS 5a
Length: 10m
W. Schuessler, I. Miller 21/09/10
Climb the superb Arete which makes the right wall of "Subterranean Innovation." 
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5 - Georges Route
VS 5a
Length: 10m
G. Carleton, K. Monaghan 01/05/10
2 metres to the right of the "Subteranean Innovation" chasm, climb the obvious V groove to a good stance and continue direct to top. Strenuous start!
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4 - When Spooning leads to Forking
HS 4b
Length: 10m
A. Feeney, PJ Monaghan 01/05/10
A metre to the left of "Howling Chimney" climb the superb jugs to a small stance and continue direct to top.
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3 - Howling Chimney
S 4a
Length: 10m
I. Miller, D. O'Connor 02/08/10
Climb the deep full crag height chimney to the left of "Deceptively Groovy."
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2 - Keith's Route
Length: 10m
K. Monaghan, G. Carleton 01/05/10
Climb the Arete on the right side of "Howling Chimney."
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1 - Deceptively Groovy
HS 4b
Length: 10m
D. O'Connor, I. Miller 02/08/10
At the far right or Southern end of the crag climb the shallow chimney with a tricky exit. 
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