
Editor: Poisoned Glen (Trinity Buttress)

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Crag Profile: Poisoned Glen (Trinity Buttress)

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: A small isolated buttress to the left of the Castle.

OS Grid Reference:

1 - Dougerry
Length: 57m
D. Johnson, G. Farrington, P. Smythe and C. Clarke 03/03/1963

As found in 1964 IMC Journal. Dawson's 1985 guide noted:'several routes and variations have been recorded on short crags but are of little worth'. Its worth is unkown and its inclusion will hopefully ensure no new claims on the line.

Start:To the left of the rib in a recess below a prominent gully.

Pitch 1. 27 m. Climb up steps below gully and move out of recess to the right on good holds. Continue up groove, over vegetated ledge to large flake (loose). From the top of the flake, move up right by the groove and mantleshelf onto small ledge. Traverse left onto horizontal cracks and swing awkwardly into gully on left. Spike belay.

*Alternative pitch 1(1a). Start 24 m to the right of the recess. Climb the crack in the corner and pull over left to grassy ledge. Block belay. (1b) 10 m Continue up slabs and mantleshelf onto small ledge. Traverse left on horizontal cracks to belay in gully.

Pitch 2. 30 m. Climb the gully over mixed rock and vegetation to the top.2. 30 m. Climb the gully over mixed rock and vegetation to the top.

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