
Editor: Gola - Main Wall

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Crag Profile: Gola - Main Wall

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Directions: This is the main climbing area so far. Descent is by abseil, or else take a Diff staircase at the southern end of the wall, which descends in a northerly direction. At low tide, it is possible to scramble as far as the zawn with the twin cave at the left (northern) end of this section of the crag, where there is a very steep cracked wall, which contains the first four routes.

OS Grid Reference: B760271

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087 - Gathering Momentum
E5 5c
No length recorded
R.Browner, S.Coughlan 3 August 1996
The left-hand crack system on the steep wall. Start on the left end of the ledges where they begin to disappear, about 6m right of the cave. Climb the crack system to a faint corner/groove. Continue up this then leave it to finish slightly rightward, avoiding the obvious softer left hand finish.
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088 - Central Route
E4 6a
No length recorded
K. Pyke, A. Anderson 25 August 97
This route takes the central line in the face, left of Gyration. Start at the wide, hanging groove capped by a narrow chimney. Climb the groove and chimney, with increasing difficulty, to gain crack systems proper. Continue up leftward-trending cracklines strenuously but on good jams to finish.
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089 - Gyration
E4 6a
No length recorded
R.Browner, S.Coughlan 4 August 1996
The leftward trending crack on the right-hand end of the steep wall. Start on the right hand end of the steep wall beside a large corner. Climb the crack past a bulge to easier ground above. (The hard start can be avoided by stepping on to the route from the corner 5m above).
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090 - Hyperglide
E3 6a
No length recorded
R.Browner, S.Coughlan 3 August 1996
The right hand crack on the steep wall. Start in the back of the dark corner down on the ledges. Bridge easily up the corner until it becomes too wide to bridge. From here swing left into the crack, continue up this to finish. (It is probably possible to escape rightward towards the top).
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90a - The Reaper
S 4a
Length: 25m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 03/06/12
 Approx 3m from the corner in the dark recess wall, left of "Gun Runner," climb the stepped crack.
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091 - Gun Runner
E3 5c
No length recorded
M.Daly, S.McMullan

To the right of this steep wall is a left facing wall split by a single crack that starts four metres above the ledge. Gun Runner Takes this crack.

Traverse along a horizontal fault into the base of the crack. Climb the crack to gain (by a difficult move) a jug to the right. Continue using mainly layback technique to finish up Cormorant Crack.

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092 - Cormorant Crack
HS 4b
No length recorded
D.Doyle, M.McInerney

To the right of Gun Runner there is a prominent widening corner running the full height of the cliff.

Follow the corner for a couple of moves until a prominent crack leads left and up.

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093 - Run of the Arrow
* * *
VS 4b
No length recorded
P.Harrington, A.Romero
This route takes the corner and upper groove for its full length. Sustained and well protected .
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094 - Ceol na Mara
* * *
E2 5c
No length recorded
P.Breen, S.McMullan 2 June 1996
Climb Run of the Arrow for 5 metres then move right to the arête and continue up this to large ledge. At the right hand end of this ledge a thin crack splits the face above. Climb this to another ledge. Follow crack more easily to the top. At high tide, your second can belay on a ledge in Run of the Arrow above the point where you move to the arête.
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095 - Tír na nÓg
* * *
E3 5c
No length recorded
M.Daly, P.McGarrity 2 June 1996

To the right of this, there is a wall with a prominent cave/recess running to half height. The next route takes the crackline left of this cave.

Climb the crack strenuously to a poor rest at mid-height. Continue with difficulty to reach a jug on the right and better rest. Continue to the top.

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096 - Brass Monkey
E3 5c
No length recorded
M.Daly, O.O'Regan 29th June 1996
Start below the large cave in the main wall left of Galway Hooker. Climb the left wall of the cave (no.11 hex in crack at the back of the cave). Pull up left around the flake and gain good ledge on the wall. Climb the twin cracks and groove to the top.
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097 - Galway Hooker
E4 6a
No length recorded
M.Daly & P.McGarrity 15 June 1996
Right of Tir na nOg there is a large cave. The route takes the next crack right of the cave. Climb strenuously up the crack and gain a ledge at 10m by a difficult move (one arm rest). Continue by pinching a flake and then poor jams to gain a small niche and rest (thread runner). Climb steeply on rounded holds to top.
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098 - Shagamorant
HVS 5a
No length recorded
R.Laffan, D.Flynn 2 June 1996
This climbs the corner at the right-hand end of the wall. Follow the corner to the bulge at 5m. Steep bridging reaches a good hold on the right wall. Pull up onto a small ledge above, then follow corner again, staying mostly with the cracks on the right of the flakes in the corner. The rock in the upper section requires care.
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099 - Bull Root
HVS 5a
No length recorded
P.McGarrity, M.Daly 2 June 1996
Start on the large ledge beneath Shagamorant. Step off the right side of ledge, and, using flake, climb to higher ledge. Climb crack above to the top.
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100 - Snow Desert
* *
HS 4b
No length recorded
P.Harrington, A.Romero
Climb the obvious cracks and grooves in the middle of this wall.
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101 - Constitution
* * *
E4 6a
No length recorded
P.Breen, P Harrington 30 June 1996

The following routes are on the next wall.

The crack Left of Ship Wrecked. Climb steep wide crack to good fistjam below thin finger-crack. Steep fingerlocks and holds lead to a rest. From here move left to Arete below top bulge. Exposed layback over top bulge. 4 Camalot useful in wide crack.

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102 - Ship Wrecked
* *
E2 5b
Length: 20m
P.Breen, P.Harrington, S.MacGearailt 2 September 1995
This route takes the prominent crack with an obvious sentry box in the middle. Easy climbing leads to a thread runner at the base of the sentry box. Climb past the sentry box (crux) and continue up grooves and past old sling to the top.
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103 - Destitution
* *
E2 5b
Length: 20m
P.Breen, S.McMullan, P.Harrington
This route takes the crack just right of Ship Wrecked. Climb crack on good holds to below niche. From here, move right and steeply up a diagonally rising flake to ledge. Continue up grooves to top.
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104 - Destitution Direct
* * *
E2 5c
Length: 20m
J. Hawkins, P O Farrell
Follow Destitution to the niche move left to climb bulge using layoffs and flared cracks. Groove above niche still unclimbed.?????
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105 - Restitution
E3 5c
Length: 20m
P.Breen, P.Harrington (1 Rest point)C. Torrans C. Sheridan FFA
The wide crack right of Destitution. Climb the steep crack bridging the lower section. Continue up wide crack to gain good hold (crux) Finish up easier grooves to the top.
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106 - Cornered Rats
* *
HVS 5b
No length recorded
M.McInerney, D.Doyle

To the right of this area are three left-facing corners, followed by a fourth corner split by an arete to give a further two groove lines.

This route takes the leftmost corner line. A weird experience

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107 - Castaway
E2 5c
No length recorded
P.Breen, S.McMullan, P.Harrington
("Desperate" - Simon Patton who climbs 6a!) The second left facing corner. Climb lower corner easily to base of second corner at mid height. Climb left face to gain large ledge at the top of corner (crux). Continue up face to top. Some dodgy rock.
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108 - Sundance
VS 4c
No length recorded
P.Harrington, P.Breen
The third left facing corner. Harder than it looks!
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109 - What's Left
E1 5b
No length recorded
P.Breen, S.McMullan 29 June 1996
Arete and north facing wall right of Sundance
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110 - Lunch Money
HS 4b
No length recorded
M.McInerney, D.Doyle
Next there is a large corner split in two by an arête. This route takes the corner groove to the left of the arête. Start below and to the left of the corner, and climb to a ledge at half height. Finish up main corner to top.
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111 - Golan Heights
* *
VS 4c
No length recorded
R.Laffan, D.Flynn
This route climbs the corner groove to the right of the arête. Start in a short corner below the arête. Climb this corner with awkward step right into main corner groove at mid-height. Continue up this (delicate or strenuous) to exit through niche on skyline on right.
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112 - Leopard
* *
HVS 5a
No length recorded
P.Harrington, P.Breen
Climb the left-hand side of the wall left of Black Cleft for a few metres until good protection can be found. Trend slightly right on good holds until a ledge is reached with two vertical cracks above it. Finish up the right hand crack.
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113 - Mirror Image
E1 5b
No length recorded
P.McGarrity, M.Daly 2 June 1996
Start 2 metres right of leopard. Climb wall to a ledge. Move left crossing Leopard and climb wide crack to the top.
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114 - Shortie
HVS 5a
No length recorded
P.Harrington, P.Breen July 1996 (direct start: eliminate, unclimbed and extreme!)
This route climbs the thin crack on the left wall of the Black Cleft. Start up the cleft at a point level with a small overhang. Move left to the crack (reaching holds above the overhang from the gully) and climb it to the top.
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115 - Black Cleft
* *
No length recorded
S.MacGearailt (solo).
Climbs the obvious black cleft right of Shortie.
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116 - The Last Oasis
HS 4b
No length recorded
P.Harrington, A.Romero, M.McInerney

The next routes are to the right of 'Black Cleft', starting at the wall where there is a square roof.

The route starts below the roof and trends leftwards. Climb grooves to reach a ledge and a left facing wall, then up easier crack on the far left.

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117 - Thug
VS 5a
No length recorded
P.Harrington, P.Breen
Start as for The Last Oasis. Follow it to the ledge then instead of moving left to the easier crack make a strenuous move using the first crack to gain the top. A well protected one move wonder.
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118 - An tOileánach
E3 6a
No length recorded
M.Daly, P.McGarrity 2 June 1996
Start below the square roof, climbing to its left with another overhang at mid-height. Climb the steep wall using the edge on the right and gain the overhang with a difficult move. Climb the overhang on good jams and gain the groove above (crux). Climb this with difficulty to the top.
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119 - Born Again Climber
* *
E1 5b
Length: 15m
S.MacGearailt, T.O'Brien 2 September 1995
This route climbs the steep wall immediately right of the square roof, through an alcove at mid-height. Climb the crack with hard moves to pass a small overhang and gain the comfortable alcove. Make committing moves up and right, then trend back left on ever-rounder holds to the top.
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120 - Seamonsters
HVS 5b
No length recorded
S.McMullan, P.Breen
Start two cracks right of Born Again Climber. Climb up large holds to gain a large ledge beneath an overhung niche. Chicken out leftwards on this ledge using undercuts and finish up the tricky corner crack
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121 - Seamonsters Direct
E1 5c
No length recorded
P.Breen, S.McMullan 29 June 1996
Direct finish for Sea Monsters. Climb Seamonsters to the ledge then continue directly up overhung niche (difficult).
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122 - Don't Pay The Ferryman
* * *
HVS 5a
No length recorded
P.Breen, S.McMullan, P.Harrington
Takes the next crack right of Seamonsters Direct. Climb crack to overhang. Continue through overhang and more easily to the top.
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123 - Lonesome Boatman
* *
HVS 5b
No length recorded
P.Breen, P.Harrington
Climbs crack through next small overhang, featuring a painful handjam. Good holds available to the right, if you bring them with you.
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124 - Waterworld
No length recorded
P.Harrington, P.Breen
This climbs the next arete on the right, at the edge of a deep recess. Don't get excited.
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125 - Deep Recess
* *
No length recorded
D.Doyle (solo).
Climbs the right side of the Deep Recess.
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126 - Not CQR
VS 4c
No length recorded
R.Laffan, D.Flynn

On the wall between the recess and the descent route, there are four routes.

Start at the left end of the wall. Follow a crack, just right of the arête, to a reasonable hold just below the horizontal niche. A hard move gains a good hold on the wall just above the niche, then pull up and left into a groove just left of the arête. Finish more easily up this to the top.

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127 - Anchors Away
HVS 5a
No length recorded
P.Breen, P.Harrington
This route takes the line of the crack towards the centre of the wall. Follow a line of positive holds, just left of the crack, to gain a horizontal break and another vertical crack. Follow this to the top.
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128 - Scabbro
* *
E1 5b
No length recorded
S.McMullan, P.Breen, P.Harrington
This takes the next crack right. Climb steeply up the crack to good holds and a rest below the square-cut block. Launch up to a sloping ledge, which is better on the right, and finish directly above on slopers.
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129 - Hexes from Heaven
S 4a
No length recorded
S.McMullan, P.Breen, R.Laffan
Climb the steep crack and groove, which starts at the base of the descent route. Finish by the arête on left.
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130 - Descent route
No length recorded
Follows the obvious right-trending staircase to top of crag
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131 - Big Boots
No length recorded
S.McMullan (solo)
Takes the ramp right of the descent route.
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132 - Seventh Wave of a Seventh Wave
VS 5a
No length recorded
S.McMullan, P.Breen 15 June '96

Further right, at the most southerly end of the Main Face, there is a large flat platform, normally accessible at all states of tide.

This is the first crack on the left of the large square platform. Climb up the thin leftward trending crack with the crux close to the ground. The crack is easier than it looks as is protected by small wires. Gain the ledge and continue on through a notch exit directly above on monster holds.

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133 - New Route

No length recorded
134 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
E1 5b
No length recorded
M.McInerney, D.Doyle, R.Laffan
Climb the obvious crack (steep) with a rest on the two intermediate ledges. Finally launch out on the top wall to climb through niche above, just left of overlap.
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134a - The Devil made me do it.
VS 4c
Length: 20m
G.Galligan, M.Duignan, A.Moloney 5/08/06
Takes the 2 corners 3 metres to the left of "The Beautiful". Start on the inside one, bridging to the main slab, then moving right to the outside corner. Continue to the top of the block.. Plenty of poor friable rock here. Finish as per "The Beautiful.
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135 - The Beautiful
HS 4b
No length recorded
R.Laffan, D.Flynn

At the east end of this wall, there is another deep recess just before the cliff turns into Narrow Zawn.

Climb the crack and corner in the back left of the recess.

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136 - Mind Games
E4 6a
No length recorded
P.McArthur, E. Cooper (3 rest points) 29 June 96
Climbs the short overhanging wall at the back of the recess. Belay as for The Beautiful. Step over to the other side and climb up easily until level with a small overlap. With strenuous moves bridge left onto the wall and make a couple of moves to reach a good hold on the left. Make a series of technical moves up on small flat holds to reach good edges below the top. (Good 1.5 Friend in right crack). Final pulls over rounded holds bring you thankfully to the belay.
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137 - The Feast of Cana
No length recorded
D.Flynn, R.Laffan

To the right of this recess, there is a stepped arete forming the west entrance to Narrow Zawn. The final route climbs this arete.

Climb the arête and rightwards easily over slabs. At half height climb over jutting blocks, then up more easily to the top.

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