
Editor: Malin Head - Nobble Amphitheatre

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Crag Profile: Malin Head - Nobble Amphitheatre

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Directions: From the lower carpark on Bambas crown, walk West along the cliff top path. When you reach a small fence designed to prevent you falling off the path, stop and throw yourself down the slabs. You should now be in a large amphitheatre divided in two by a pinnacle cum stack cum nobble. The area is just East of Hells Zawn.

OS Grid Reference: C391595

As you descend into the Amphitheatre the wall on your right (East) has a stream at its base running down into a large pool. Just at the near end of the pool is a low triangular overhang
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1 - Neat Feet
D -
Length: 8m
Alfie Conn and Geoff Thomas 1/9/2013
Start at the middle of Clean Hands Slab and follow the left arete to the top
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2 - Clean Hands
Length: 8m
Alfie Conn 8/6/2013
Perhaps the hardest climb yet done at Malin Head without artificial aid (chalk).Start at the right hand side of the triangular head height overhang. Gather your courage and teter up the initial rounded ledge to below the middle of the triangular slab. Ascend this with the aid of tiny finger tip crimps and smear on the merest of rugosities. While on the very edge of adherence, exit over the headwall onto the featureless slabs above.You may find that this description exagerates a little but the text is fundamentally true.
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3 - Manicure
S 4a
Length: 10m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 22/9/2013
From the bottom right side of the slab go up the right side of the slab until under the centre of the steep wall. Go up it.The wall looks loose and chossy but it isn't
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4 - Cry Misty *
VD 3c
Length: 10m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 8/6/2013
Start at the right of thr triangular overhang where the stream falls into the pool.Climb up the right trending corner. The appalling looking rock is actually OK. When the corner finishes go up!A pleasant route.
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5 - Geoffs route
S -
Length: 10m
Geoff Thomas and Alfie Conn Sept 2013
Just right of the slab is an A shaped overhanging start to the chimney. Start here and go over the A, step left and go uo the short wall on jugs.
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6 - Mucky Paws
VD 4b
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Geoff Thomas 1/9/2013
Start below the left hand of the two cracks (1 metre left of "Dirty Nails" and after a bouldery start follow it to the top via a short wall. The rock looks awful but its fine
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7 - Dirty Nails
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Trevor Hartley 14/7/2013
To the right of the lakeis a short rounded berm at the bottom of a broken set of ledges. There are two cracks. Follow the right one and short wall to the top
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In the middle of the amphitheatre is a roughly rectangularily based stack. This is the nobble and has an obvious steeply overhaging slab on its landward side.
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8 - Port *
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Trevor Hartley 8/6/2013
Start at the Eastward landward corner of the nobble.Go up and then traverse left until you are at the left handside. Go up the arete to the top with some airy moves.A good route
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9 - Amidships *
Length: 8m
Alfie conn and Trevor Hartley 19/5/2013
Start at the Eastern landward corner of the nobble. Go up and step left onto the landward slab. From the big crack, go straight up.
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10 - Starboard
D -
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Trevor Hartley 8/6/2013
Start at the Eastward landward corner.Step up and step left to allow you to look up the slab and ascend the right side.
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11 - The Nobbler
S 4a
Length: 8m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 19/5/2013
Start at the Eastern landward corner of the nobble. Follow the right trending fault to exit at the obvious gap.
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12 - Colmcille's Return
HVS 5a
Length: 10m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 8/6/2013
On the eastward face of the nobble there is a shallow recess. Start just right of this, below a break in the cornice like rock at the top.Climb up to and through the break. A bit steep at the top.
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13 - Corvii
D -
Length: 6m
Alfie Conn. June 2014
At the NE corner of the Nobble is a stepped slab. Climb this
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14 - Black Gold
HS 4b
Length: 8m
Damian Connolly, Alfie Conn 22/5/16
Start left of Eurythmics below a black streak. Climb awkwardly for a few metres and step right to the base of a crack trending up and left. Follow it to the top (crux). Short but steeper than it looks.
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22 - Happy B-Day Ola
HS 4b
Length: 9m
Paulina Kaniszewska and Chris Millar 4/9/16
Start as for "Eurythmics" and go up the wall just left. At the top of its grade
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15 - Eurythmics
HS 4b
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn, Margaret Quinn 21/6/15
Start as for "Seven Seas" but go straight up the flake crack. Steeper than it looks!
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16 - Seven Seas
VD -
Length: 8m
Alfie Conn and Damian Connolly 2/5/15
At the SW corner are two cracks with a common start. Climb the right one, stepping left onto the top at the end. The rock is clean and solid. Easy climbing but protection is hard to arrange for the first half.
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On the Western side of the amphitheatre is a dark black compact wall.
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17 - Bowel Infection
D -
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Trevor Hartley 8/6/2013
Start below the left hand corner of the black West wall of the amphitheatre.Climb the corner. Not as bad as it looks or the name suggests.
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18 - Between the Lines
HS -
Length: 20m
G Carelton amd AN Other Sept 2013
Go up between thw two quartz lines.This route was entered for completeness but George only supplied sketchy details and admitted there was a shortage of protection
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19 - Black Magic
HS 4b
Length: 12m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 8/6/2013
There are a number of thin quartz veins going up the wall. Start below the second vein from the left.Go up the vein generally. Protection is there but needs thought.
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Between the Amphitheatre and Hells Zawn, to the West, is a narrow rock spur that allow a descending scramble to a wave washed slab. The only steep ground here is alongside Hells Zawn
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23 - Amphitheatre Traverse
D -
Length: 50m
Columba McLaughlin May 2014
Start on the wall opposite the Knobble at the seaward end of the large pool. A slightly rising traverse until forced upwards by the Triangular slab. Continue along a very obvious fault line and exit up landward slabs. Alternatively, exit up 'Land Ahoy' at the base of the slabs.
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24 - Land Ahoy
D -
Length: 22m
Columba McLaughlin May 2014
This route is on the landward end of the wall opposite the Knobble. Start just above the base of the obvious triangular slab to landward end of the Amphitheatre Traverse. Continue up the wall above in a rightward  angle.
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20 - Heaven's Yawn
D -
Length: 10m
Alfie Conn and Trevor Hartley 14/7/2013
Just around the bottom edge, (next to Hell's Zawn), follow the easiest way to the top
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21 - Tinitus
VD -
Length: 15m
Trevor Hartley and Alfie Conn 14/7/2013
Start as for Heaven's Yawn, but instead of going up continue traversing into the shallowish chimney with a small overhang. Go up this to the top
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