
Editor: Malin Head The Bow

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Crag Profile: Malin Head The Bow

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: The Bow is a long high cliff just around the East corner of Magdalen Walls. Walking from Bambas Crown on the path, it is the first big cliff facing you with a rock formation which looks like the Bow of a ship on the top edge. Access down to the base is by a steep grassy slope.

OS Grid Reference: C 388 594

1 - Great Auk
VS 4c
Length: 40m
Marty McGuigan, Alan Tees 01/06/2016
Start a few metres left of Dipper, and climb on good solid holds to a ledge just below an obvious niche.  Ignore the niche, go behind it and climb a deteriorating ramp ( getting looser) to the base of a bulging slab.  Good wires protect thin, but good, climbing above to a ledge.  Belay at a big crack in the impending headwall.  Traverse left along a rock ledge to finish.
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- Dipper
VD 3c
Length: 45m
Martin Mc Guigan/Trevor Hartley 24th Nov.2013
Descend the steep grassy slope to the base of Bow crag. Getting close to the water edge find a large slab with a streak of quartz and shaped like an arrow head pointing towards the cliff. Stand on the point of the slab and step across the three foot gap to the start of the climb. Move up the first five metres on small sound horizontal ledges, then move left and up on better holds to meet the large ramp (like a set of stairs) going up to the right, which leads all the way to the top.
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