
Editor: Gola - Binatoke Back Wall

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Crag Profile: Gola - Binatoke Back Wall

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: Back wall of long bay to the north west of the Maol Murrinagh headland

OS Grid Reference: B759273

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24a - Buena Vista Social Club
E3 5c
Length: 45m
C. Torrans, C. Sheridan , P. McGarrity June 97
Bold face climbing with an excellent crack to finish. Abseil down to ledges just below the triangular overhang, the route takes the wall left of the overhang. Scramble up blocks to the base of the wall, climb the wall passing a peg on the left (2 poor rp placements above the peg). Continue up to a good foothold on the right edge and better pro. Make an awkward traverse right to the corner crack which is followed to the top.
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24b - No way out
E3 5c
Length: 45m
C. Torrans, C. Sheridan , P. McGarrity June 97
Climb the wall right of the triangular overhang. Climb the cracks and corner just right of the overhang until a hard traverse right to a flat ledge, climb the wall above to jammed blocks and finish up thin cracks
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