
Editor: Poisoned Glen, Guinness Walls

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Crag Profile: Poisoned Glen, Guinness Walls

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: This is undoubtedly the least significant but most convenient crag in the Poisoned Glen. Park at the dogleg beyond the ruined church, and walk up the track for a short distance before crossing the stream (Cronaniv Burn) towards point 225m. The crag forms the north and west end of the long broad ridge flanking the west side of the glen. About half an hour from the car. The crag is a bit broken, but the granite is mainly clean and sound. The views are stunning over the lake, the Guinness estate, and of course Errigal.

OS Grid Reference: 896180

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1 - Bar Fly
VD -
Length: 8m
Finbarr Mullin, Alan Tees, March 2016
As you walk around the snout of the ridge the rock steepens to a wall.  The most obvious feature is a short cleaned corner, overlapping on the right.  Climb easily into, and up the corner to the ledge.
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2 - Double Geoffrody
S 4a
Length: 8m
Anthony Feeney, PJ Feeney, March 16
About 3m left of Barfly, climb the wall, passing a diagonal break.  Easier than it looks apparently.
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4 - Ginger beered
VD 3c
Length: 25m
Anthony Feeney, PJ Feeney, March 16
Just right of the descent ramp, climb 3 short walls, divided by two bands of vegetation.  The top wall is climbed just to the right of an area of eroded pink granite.
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3 - Mc Ardles No 1
VD 3c
Length: 25m
Alan Tees. Finbarr Mullin
Just before (left of) the descent ramp from Barfly, Geoffrody etc is a short right facing corner.  Climb this on good jugs, cross the top of the ramp, and continue up two more walls, the first on cracks and the second up a nice easy corner.
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