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Crag Profile: Hawk Rock

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1 - Coolgliding
VS 4c
Length: 18m
J.Reville W.J.Whelan G Moss 9.4.2011
This climb takes the narrow crack. 1m left from the left edge of the face. Start behind the hawthorn tree, directly below the crack. Up easily over blocks to the base of the short wee groove in the small overhang. Arrange protection and climb the wee groove(crux) continuing up the the crack with interest.
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2 - Plucked
VS 4b
Length: 18m
J.Reville G.Moss 29.1.2011
The wide crack just right of numb.1. Start directly below the crack. Climb easily to the base of the crack.Enter the crack ( crux) and follow it pleasantly to the top.
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3 - Hawkeye
VS 4c
Length: 18m
G. Moss M.Casey 13.11.2010
This route takes the thin crack in the upper face, just over 1m of Plucked. Start directly below the crack . Climb some small jammed blocks to reach a ledge below the overhang. Follow the crack to the top with excellent protection.
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4 - Wind beneath my wings
VS 4b
Length: 20m
G.Moss M.Casey 22.11.2011
This route takes the twin cracks in the upper face, 3 m right of Hawkeye. Start directly below the cracks. Climb to a ledge below the cracks, follow these to the top. Well protected.
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5 - Have a gneiss day
VS 5a
Length: 22m
G.Moss M.Casey 19.2.2011
A thin poorly protected start leads to better holds and gear and gives interesting moves throughout its length. High in the grade. Start just right of Wind beneath..., at the foot of the thin crack slanting up diagonally right. Follow the crack on small holds to below the blocky overhang. Pull over this on flat holds and move up diagonally right, crossing the line of  The Early Birds to finish pleasantly up the short head wall.
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6 - The Early Birds
VS 4c
Length: 20m
G.Moss M.Casey 22.1.2011
Start 3 m right of Wind beneath... at the foot of the continuous crack running up to a wide notch in the skyline. Climb the crack, which is awkward to start with holds and gear improving with height.
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7 - Hawkwind
VS 4c
Length: 18m
J.Reville G.Moss 13.11.2010
The first route recorded on the crag gives another well protected line, with the crux right at the top. Start 2 m right of The Early Birds. Climb the crack line running up to the narrow notch in the skyline.
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8 - Featherduster
HS 4c
Length: 14m
G.Moss M.Casey 29.1.2011
Start by scrambling up to the overhanging corner. Climb the corner (crux) to a good ledge and continue up to finish between the wall on the left and the flake on the right.
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9 - Bird Arete
S -
Length: 10m
M.Casey J.Reville 20.11.2010
Start at the right hand side of the gully. Climb on good holds to a finish between the flake at the top and the wall on the right.
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10 - Stress test
VS 4c
Length: 10m
G.Moss W.J.Whelan J. Reville
Start below the left edge of the face. Climb direct to the jammed block, surmount this and continue to an airy finish. High in the grade.
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11 - Tread Softly
HVS 5a
Length: 12m
G.Moss J.Reville M.Casey 13.11.2010
Start at the lowest point at the front of a tongue of rock 2 m right of the gully. Climb the thin crack and continue through the small overhang to a delicate finish. Low in the grade.
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12 - Old Hawk Down
VS 4b
Length: 10m
J.Reville G.Moss 26.2.2011
Start almost 2 m right of Tread Softly and climb the left branch of the Y crack. Finish up the shallow right-facing corner.
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13 - Big Bird
HS -
Length: 10m
M.Casey W.J.Whelan G.Moss 19.3.2011
Start just over 1 m right of Old Hawk Down. Climb on flat holds, moving diagonally left to gain the right branch of the Y crack. Follow this through a break to the top.
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14 - Sparrowhawk
HS -
Length: 10m
E. O`Neill J.Reville 28.4.2012
Start mid-way between Big Bird and Raptor. Climb on small holds to a ledge (unprotected). Move up through the break in the overhang on better holds and with good protection.
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15 - Raptor
S -
Length: 10m
J.Reville M.Casey 20.11.2010
Start 2 m right of Big Bird just right of the small rowan tree. Climb the crack to gain the ledge below a short facing corner. Move up and left from the ledge.
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16 - Little Chick
VD -
Length: 8m
M.Casey G.Moss 29.1.2011
                          The short crack just right of Raptor.          
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17 - The Bird Walk
VD -
Length: 25m
G.Moss M.Casey 28.4.2012
A right to left girdle of the left face. Start below the gully. Scramble across left and step out onto the obvious ramp. Follow this left to where it fades make a steep move up (crux) to gain a higher ramp and follow this to its end. Step down and move left to exit at the extreme left of the crag,
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