
Editor: Eglish (Far Easter Wall)

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Crag Profile: Eglish (Far Easter Wall)

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Eglish, Far Easter Crag - A Precipitation Insight, VS4b.
B Two Paghals on a Spraghal, Sev.4a.
C Beam Me up Paddy Joe, H.S.4b.
D Escape Route for Frostbite Victims, HS 4b.

Directions: At the back of the valley, right of Easter and Middle Easter Walls. Has a cave on its right hand side.

OS Grid Reference: G953889

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01 - Two Pahals on a Spraghal
S 4a
Length: 15m
A Tees, V Russell (5/5/96)
5m left of overhang is a shallow corner to its right a platform - about 8m up. Start either just right of corner (steep - on flakes) or further around edge (on crack) and move up to the platform. Continue up crack and layback up flakes to finish.
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02 - Precipitation in Sight
VS 4b
Length: 15m
B Johnston, M Pailing (10/6/97)
The left hand arete of Far Easter Crag, 2m right of the overlay. Climb using the deep cracks and big jugs on unexpectedly steep face.
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03 - Beam Me Up Paddy-Joe
HS 4b
Length: 15m
F McCloskey, R Gallagher (13/11/99)
Start at the left end of the niche at the overhangs (about 2m right of `Two Paghals'). Climb steeply up initial short wall, pull out left onto spike/platform. Move right into thinner crack (other is loose and needs cleaned) and bridge up to get into the easier angled corner above. Good route, good gear.
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04 - Escape Route for Frostbite Victims
HS 4b
Length: 15m
F McCloskey, R Gallagher (13/11/99)
Start at the right hand side of the front face, right of the cave, at the third of the corners. Rise up and traverse leftwards, trying your best to avoid any difficulties, until you can swing out left on a spike above the cave and finish up the manky gully.
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05 - Say NothinTill Ye Hear More
VD -
Length: 10m
F McCloskey, R Gallagher (13/11/99)
Goes up the obvious cracked slab with an overlap near its top, on the next outcrop below and right of Far Easter Crag. Start at a step-like platform at the lowest point of this crag, just left of a fault. Route takes a direct line up cracks, through overlap to top.
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06 - MYI One and Two
VD -
Length: 10m
MCI Youth Oct. 2000
A small outcrop to the right of "Far Easter". "One" takes the arete on the left hand side, and two the steep corner, bottom left, at severe.
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07 - Incy Wincy
D -
Length: 12m
A.Tees, Bill Magowan 12/03/14
This takes the central spidery cracks on an obvious slab on the approach to far Easter Wall grid 955844.  It is about half way in.  Friction on the rock is amazing!
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08 - Gift Aid
D -
Length: 15m
Bill Magowan, A Tees 12/03/14
East of Far Easter Crag, just over a small stream is another outcrop, now to be known as Emelyn Butt grid 957889.  Gift Aid takes the cracked arete up its left hand side.  Easy, but delightful rock. 
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09 - Phullanthropist
VD 3c
Length: 15m
Alan Tees, Bill Magowan 12/03/14
On Emelyn Butt.  A couple of metres right of Gift Aid, climb a left to right leaning crack/corner to a grassy ledge. From the back of the ledge climb the steepish twin grooves to belay at an obvious perched rock
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