
Editor: Gola - NW Zawn Area

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Crag Profile: Gola - NW Zawn Area

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: This zawn is at the end of the Gola Highway. It has a ‘Duirling’, or Bouldery beach and corners at its head. Its east wall has a prominent detached leaning tower, and massive rocks lying precariously on steep slopes above. Routes are numbered L-R as if you were looking at the crag from the sea.

OS Grid Reference: B762275

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1 - An Sron
E4 6a
No length recorded
C. Torrans C. Sheridan 15 Sept 96
This route takes the left trending groove that runs into the wide crack on the face of the prow. Climb the groove (difficult bridging and layaways) to reach good edges under the roof. Follow the crack around onto the face (a knee-lock gives a hands off rest) just above the roof. Continue up the crack on slopers and jams.
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2 - Vanishing Point
E1 5b
No length recorded
C. Torrans, C Sheridan 8 Sept 96
An excellent route on perfect granite with good protection. The route takes the corner and crack on the east wall just right of the non-tidal ledge. Start from the ledge, climb down and right to a good crack and follow this past an overhang and corners to the top.
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0 - Transatlantic
HS 4c
Length: 15m
C.Hayes, M.Young - June 2003
Climbs the small sea stack. A step across from the mainland ledge gains the groove in the centre of the wall via a hard move.
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2 - Holographic Universe
HVS 5a
Length: 20m
Thomas Prebble, Conor Gilmour (ground up on sight) 10/Jun/2012
This route takes the thin crack to the right of the black dyke. Move up the thin crack on steepening ground to gain the ledge. Continue up on positive crimps as the crack widens.
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2 - The Ubiquitous Blue
E1 5b
Length: 22m
Rónán Kernan, Conor Gilmour 6/6/12 (ground up on sight)
On the far side of the zawn from Ghost Road is a prominent leaning pinnacle, slightly detached from the main wall. This route takes the corner crack on the northern side of the pinnacle, passing through a small roof at one third height. Good protection and solid rock (at least for your right foot anyway) Belay well back. 
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0 - The Third Policeman
HVS 5a
Length: 22m
Rónán Kernan, Stuart Abraham 9/6/13
A good corner climb on excellent rock. On the far side of the zawn from Ghost Road is a prominent leaning pinnacle, slightly detached from the main wall. This route takes the corner crack on the southern side of the pinnacle. Take care with dubious chockstones and big cams would be useful. Belay as for The Ubiquitous Blue.
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2 - Smuggling Raisins
HVS 5a
Length: 20m
Thomas Prebble, Conor Gilmour (ground up, on sight) 09/Jun/2012
This takes the steepening ramp on the left side of the pillar, opposite Ghost Road. Move awkwardly over the bulge to the base of the ramp. Continue up the right side of the ramp on increasingly delicate moves, traversing left at the top to avoid a loose top out. Belay far back on the right.
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2 - Inscrutability Puff
E2 5c
Length: 20m
Conor Gilmour, Rónán Kernan (ground up, on sight) 06/Jun/2012
 Opposite Ghost Road in Northwest Zawn at the top of the cliff lie some prominent and precarious looking slabs with a short tunnel through them. Not far left of this is a rising right to left fist-size crack with a small roof at the bottom. Climb this, taking care with loose rock at the top.
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2 - Louse House
HS 4b
Length: 18m
Stuart Abraham, Rónán Kernan 9/6/13
5m Right of Inscrutability Puff. Climb the obvious right-to-left crack to an alcove. Climb onto a pedestal on the left then step right, finishing up the blocky pillar. Take care with loose rock at the top.
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2 - Wizard's Sleeve
E1 5b
Length: 18m
C. Gilmour, T. Prebble 09/06/12
Take the inland facing slab on the corner to the left of “Ghost Road,” negotiate the delicate slab whilst attempting to place your smallest gear. Stay left at the top as the right edge is a tad loose.
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3 - Ghost Road
E1 5b
Length: 20m
I. Rea, M. Rea 15 Sept 96

The next two routes climb the steep, north-facing black wall that has a tapering cave to its right, near the back of the zawn.

The superb left arête of the wall, climbed on its left hand side.

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4 - War Music
E2 5b
Length: 20m
I. Rea, M. Rea 15 Sept 96
Near the left side of this wall is a short chimney, leading to a short left facing corner, then a flake then an impending crack. This is the route.
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5 - Cygnus
VS 4c
Length: 30m
I. Rea, M. Rea 7 Sept 96

The following three routes all face east and ascend the black slabby wall, tucked in at the west corner of the boulder strewn cove. They can be climbed at lowish tide.

Ascend the flaky crack just right of the corner. Where it peters out, step right onto small foot ledges about 4m below the top. Finish on small holds beside a thin crack.

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6 - Frantic Heart
HVS 5a
Length: 30m
I. Rea, M. Rea 7 Sept 96
Start 2m right of Cygnus. Climb small holds on the wall just left of the arête and gain a good ledge at 1/3 height. From here climb up good holds on the left of the arête to a point where, from good flakes, a short step up and left gains a crack. Gain ledge and finish as for Cygnus.
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7 - Shifting skies
VS 4c
Length: 30m
I. Rea, M. Rea 7 Sept 96
Start right of the arete at a hand crack. Go up this a short bit until big holds lead left to the arete. Climb the arete directly to the top.
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8 - A Man Escaped
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 14 Sept 96
Follows the next fault left of Old Friends, finishing left of a nose.
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9 - Old Friends
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea, S. Willis 14 Sept 96
This route faces east and takes the cracked fault just left of the right hand edge of the north-facing buttress
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10 - Bagpipe Music
VS 4c
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 14 Sept 96

The following three routes are accessible at most states of the tide, but by abseil only. Right of Old Friends is a series of sloping ledges. There are large loose blocks directly above these ledges, so it is best to approach down the following route.

From the ledges climb the left edge, up flakes and then a tight little corner.

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12 - Nexus 6
HVS 5a
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 14 Sept 96
From the right side of the ledges follow a blocky corner to its top. Go left to a crack and up this to a good ledge just below the top
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11 - Libra
VS 4c
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 14 Sept 96
Just left of Nexus 6. Climb the blocky arête to gain a ledge at the flake crack on Nexus 6. Make a long step left around a corner to a foot ledge. Avoid the slightly loose corner by climbing the edge to the top.
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13 - The Neb
VS 4b
No length recorded
C. Torrans, C Sheridan 7 Sept 96
Abseil down the neb to ledges, depending on the tide. Start under and just left of the neb, climb cracks and a block to the top passing on the left side of the neb.
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14 - Street Sharks
VS 4c
No length recorded
C. Sheridan, C Torrans 7 Sept 96
Start as for The Neb. Follow the right trending cracks.
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16 - Seapink
E1 5b
No length recorded
C. Sheridan C. Torrans 7 July 96
Abseil to the broad ledge and traverse along the ledge to a short corner. Climb the corner crack to top.
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15 - Blackie
VS 4b
No length recorded
C. Sheridan, C. Torrans 15 Sept 96

The following routes begin from a long continuous ledge at the base of the north-facing wall directly opposite the sea-stack/island. The ledge is clear at low tides and is reached by abseil or from the descent-route described for Fokisit Wall (See below).

This route climbs the crack in the black recess at the east end of the wall. Abseil down the arête to a broad ledge that runs along the main face. Continue down to ledges (tidal) or belay above. Climb the arête for 2 metres and move left to the wide crack. Follow this to the top.

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17 - Outdoor Relief
HVS 5a
No length recorded
C. Torrans, C. Sheridan 15 Sept 96
Climb the wall just right of the arête and move right to big jugs. Continue up the wall above and finish up the slim groove on the right (several possible finishes)
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18 - Buffalo Bills
VS 4b
Length: 25m
I.Rea, M. Rea 8 Sept 96
Just left of the recess at the right side of the steep wall. Climb a right slanting crack that leads into a V shaped niche. Gain ledges above the niche, go right and climb a short left facing corner
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23 - Bird Song
Length: 25m
I Rea, M. Rea 8 Sept 96
Just right of Cold Mountain and follow a line of flakes diagonally up right towards a knob. Go past this to a ledge, and then finish up left.
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20 - Mushrooms
HVS 5a
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 8 Sept 96
Climbs the right hand corner of the alcove to a hand crack then an easy ramp.
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21 - L'Atalante
Length: 25m
I Rea, M Rea (8/9/96)
Follows the left edge of the triangular buttress. Climb easily up a few blocky ledges then step right on to the face and follow the left edge delicately to gain the easy ramp off.
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22 - Cold Mountain
VS 4b
Length: 25m
I. Rea, M. Rea 8 Sept 96
Takes a direct line to the apex of the buttress.
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19 - Sick Rose
VS 4c
Length: 25m
I.Rea, M. Rea 8 Sept 96
Climbs the left hand and slightly overhung corner of the alcove, exiting right at the top.
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