
Editor: Black Zawn (Breaghy Head)

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Crag Profile: Black Zawn (Breaghy Head)

Details of the crag can be reviewed below. Editing links are present on all routes and inter-route notes

Directions: There have been reports of access difficulties with this crag. If you wish to climb here it is suggested you make inquiries locally. No routes are listed here, as it is felt that this might aggravate the situation. The rocky coastline of the western side of Breaghy Head provides an almost endless number of short routes on steep polished black rock, although rarely does the cliff rise to sufficient height to makg routes worth recording. The Black Zawn provides some 20m height of rock, better quality than most in the area - a steep eroded slab to one side and shorter polished rock on the other. Follow the 'switchback' road from Marble Hill to Port na Blagh (Note that the name of Port na Blagh is incorrectly placed on the Irish OS Half-Inch Series Map) for about 1.5km until reaching a triangular parking space on the top of the hill. From this parking spot cross the wall and follow a shallow valley down to the coast - about 200m. The Black Zawn is now just to your right and descent is by abseil.

OS Grid Reference: 053377