Route Number: 949

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Flying Enterprise * * *

Location: Malinbeg (Main West Wall)
Grade: VS  4c
Length: 27m
First ascent: T Ryan, J McKenzie, J Scott (31/3/75
Route Description:
Start: This route, the classic `VS' of the crag follows the two rightward trending ramps on the smooth wall to the right of Lord of the Flies. Climb a thin groove onto a ledge at 5m. Move left and up a short smooth wall (crux) to gain the upper ramp. Follow the ramp up and right finishing by moving slightly left on steep rock.

Photo of Route
Flying Enterprise - _Psyke at the top. Looks like the GPL in yellow.

Alfie (the other one) - 15/05/2009
Yep think it's a hard 4c, or 5a doing the crux move, but just that one hard move, but what a class wee climb.

Peter Cooper - 05/05/2009
Was canvasing opinions on this and most folks were saying this is either very hard 4c or 5a. I'm in the 5a camp myself, after an ascent during the climbfest 09. It's a thin move above gear to get in position to start the harder crux move. Having watched Iain go up and down the crux area several times(like I did) I think he'll agree (?). I did like the post-crux banter between Iain and Chris, accompanied by a variety of finger gestures; some quaint Scottish tradition possibly. Didn't notice any 'meters' on the the route though: "pedants rool".

Iain Miller - 04/05/2009
A superb route!! Placed bombproof gear every 2 meters! SUPERB

Kevin Kilroy - 08/12/2008
Very good route, this is the perfect example of VS climbing. Great move on the blank wall low down, especially if you're vertically challanged!

Chris McDaid - 01/09/2008
Superb route. Full value for the grade and a bit necky in places

Alan Tees 21/08/08 - 22/08/2008
See narrow Zawn, Albatross, Moby the Eunach, Particle Accelerator etc

Tony Fidler - 20/08/2008
On hol from UK and visiting for first time.Guide book, Rock Climbing in Ireland 1984. Dose the current guide for this crag have any routes on the opposit wall from this picture where Moby Dick and Shiver me Timbers once were or still are.

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