Climbfest |
Date: 29th April - 2nd May Submitted by: Pete Smith Look at this photo - I counted 30 climbers. Imagine! Thirty climbers at Dunmore Head! Suffice to say that the Climbfest was a big success, with 60+ climbers registering with Margaret Tees. I'll give a brief report of the bits I experienced, but I hope that everyone will add a little tale to the list because no one person could have seen it all. Friday night I arrived in Culdaff and drove past Dunmore Head. Seeing 3 climbers I went and joined them. It turned out they were JP, Colm and Christine from the UUJMC contingent, so I paired off with JP and we did 3 routes. They also told me that a party of six or more climbers had been at the crag on their arrival, but had gone to get some food. Saturday was when most of the crowds arrived. We were very excited to welcome climbers from Germany, Cork, the Czech Republic, Dublin, Belfast and many other places. T-shirt sales were going well and the weather held up nice and dry. When Dunmore Head was too crowded, a bunch of us went to Dunowen and did a few routes. By all accounts the barbie on Saturday night was great: loadsa people, big fire, singing, music, carousing till dawn...all the usual stuff. Sunday started wet, but the sun soon returned and there were crowds of people on any rock you cared to look at. Monday saw some folks travelling further afield. I joined _Psyke and a few others and went to Kinnego Bay. A crowd of Dubliners went to L. Barra, and there was climbing being done all round Culdaff. Our thanks to Alan Tees and all who helped him - I'm sure everyone will agree that the whole venture was a big success and that we should go for a repeat next year. |