Route Number: 2261

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Catriona *

Location: Glenveigh/Glenlack
Grade: VD  
Length: 60m
First ascent: Harold Drasdo & Eric Langmuir 14/04/1959
Route Description:

GlenVeagh's 1st route. Some 200M left of the Main Cliffs is a line of broken crags, the left edge of these overlooks a wide gully and provides 'a delightful climb on clean rock'. The 1962,1985 and 2002 guides mention it starts 15M behind a holly tree in the scree at its foot. (this start to be re-checked!)

1.14M Climb the short wall and continue to the back of a broad ledge.

2. 16M A steep wall leads to easier rock and belay, by a large flake at the corner of the main wall.

3. 30M Climb the flake by its left edge, step right and ascend to a small stance on the face.To finish climb crack passing a bulge to a heather ledge and easy rocks then lead to the top.

(Original description gave 7-pitches)

Photo of Route

alantees - 20/06/2024
The original 7 pitch route probably started from the very bottom

alantees - 20/06/2024
Think the line of Catriona is 3 and Billicans is 4

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