
Editor: Culdaff - Dunowen (Pinnacle Bay)

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Crag Profile: Culdaff - Dunowen (Pinnacle Bay)

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Himalayan Wall, Pinnacle Bay -

  1. "Bogged tae the Oxters",VS4c.
  2. "Himalayan Dream", HS4a.
  3. "Flight of Fancy", HVS5a.
  4. "Eviction Notice Served", E2 6a.
  5. "Fulmar", VS (Very Scary).
  6. "My Friend John", VS4c.
  7. "Savage Slut", HVS5a.
  8. "Rhumdoodle", Sev 4a.
  9. "Carthage", HS.4b.
  10. "Deadfinger" HS4b.
  11. "Caveat Emptor" HS4b.
  12. "Satanic Verses", HVS5a


The old fishermens' permissive path connecting Dunowen Wall with the other crags beyond has been closed by the landowner. The locals are not happy about it, but nothing is likely to be done, so use a different approach to these crags. On regaining the Culdaff/Glengad road from Bunagee, turn right, and take the first right again, up the hill, past another turn to the right, and park in a small quarry on the left. Just beyond this is a cart track on the edge of a field (close wire gate after you) which leads down past a small byre, into a field, which gives access, over a tumble down wall, to the rough ground above the shore.   Brazil Rock is on the left, but turn right, cross a stream, and if the tide is out, you can get to Pinnacle Bay around the coast by the boulders in the bay.  If the tide is in it is necessary to go over the top of the cliff, and descend a ramp under 'Himalayan Wall'.

Please do not take dogs to Dunowen. Please be careful when crossing the walls and replace any stones that you may knock off. If you cross the land you do so at your own risk.

OS Grid Reference: C536513

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01 - Clove Rock
Length: 10m
B.Bogle,C.Tees, A. Bogle, P.Coulter 20/06/92
The smaller of two pinnacles in Pinnacle Bay. Start in the gap between the two pinnacles.
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02 - The Crab's Claw
VS 4c
Length: 12m
First led ascent Martin McGuigan (Route Lasooed cleaned and climbed A.Tees, T. Philson 31/07/95
Climbs the higher of two pinnacles in the bay. Gain horizontal crack from the gap, move out left above the sea, and continue up on small holds.
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03 - Pouting Pinnacle
Length: 8m
A,Tees,various,& The G.P.L.
This climbs the short off-width on the west face of the pinnacle at tne East end of pinnacle bay. Surmount the off-width on good holds,to ledge & right to top. Descent by abseil. Good fun,
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04 - Thundering Typhoons
HS 4b
Length: 20m
Alan Tees, Anindya Mukherjee, Peter Cooper 9/10/07
An Indo, Anglo, Irish route in appreciation of Capt. Haddock, on the wall just opposite "Pouting Pinnacle" at the East end of Pinnacle bay. The route takes the obvious wide crack in the side (facing the pinnacles) wall. Start just right of the crack, then follow it to a ledge on the left, just below the top. Up the left (thinner) crack to the top.
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The top of the following Thessalonians Arete Routes are accessed from land than is now out of bounds, so they cannot be kept vegetation free.  It is still possible to climb them to a big block on the arete and abseil off, but this will become increasingly unpleasent.
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05 - Lobster Pot
E1 5a
No length recorded
Andy Tees, Tim Philson 9/05/99
Just left of Aries is a small triangular niche at about 3m. (Directly above a low overhang). Bridge up to the niche and stretch to gain a good hold. Continue up over rocking flake and as difficulties ease, bear right to avoid vegetation.  
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06 - Ethics Be Damned
VS 4c
Length: 30m
Frankie McCloskey, Neil Mahone
Climb the crack of "Aries" from ground level.
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07 - Aries
VS 4c
Length: 30m
A.Tees, K.Gallagher 2/04/93
Approx. 3M left of Utmost Good Faith is an obvious wide clean corner at about 3m height. Gain the corner on small holds and continue until you can make a long step left into crack, which is climbed to ledge above the corner.. Continue straight up to join Thessalonians belay.
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08 - Utmost Good Faith
HS 4b
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Kieran Gallagher 2/04/93
On the other side of the spur is a shallow cave, which is bridged to reach a ledge above. Continue on jugs to reach a leaning pillar in a corner. Move onto the pillar and gain a small ledge above (crux). Continue up recess to join Thessalonians.
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09 - First and Second Thessalonians
HS 4a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Kieran Gallagher
In Pinnacle Bay is an obvious spur thst runs out from a vegetated cliff behind the pinnacles. Climb the end of the spur via a shallow corner to the first pinnacle, cross the short arete to the second Thessalonian which is climbed on its left. Belay, and csoss the secong arete and up grass to the top.
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10 - Golly's Red Corner
S 4a
Length: 12m
Kieran Gallagher, Alan Tees 2/04/93
A forgotten route which takes the red corner left of Jericho
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11 - Jericho
S 4a
Length: 30m
Alan tees, Kieran Gallagher 2/04/93
Takes the obvious pillar up the right hand side of the Thessalonians arete. Much better than it looks!
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Himalayan Wall provides the longest routes at Dunowen and some of the best.  Despite the access problem at the top, it is still possible to traverse in from the west side staying outside the fence, and ab down to clean the routes. The eastern routes have become overgrown ( Satanic Verses to Carthage) but the better quality lines to the west of the face are well worth keeping clean.
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12 - Satanic Verses
HVS 5a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees,Peter Cooper. 10/08/02
At the extreme L.H.S. of the "Himalayas Area",about 10m left of Carthage,is an undercut tower. Start below and left, scramble up to stand on a small ledge. Move right along a horizontal toe crack,and a committing move (crux) leads to more substantial holds,& up left to corner. Continue up steeply to jugs and ledge. Climb diedre above, keeping left of arete.
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13 - Caveat Emptor
S 4a
Length: 25m
A.Tees, Pete Smith, R.Moore, P.Cooper. 7/08/02
Left of the corner, left of Carthage, is a wide crack which is climbed to a ledge. Continue up corner above & follow bulldozer trail to grassy terrace on right. Traverse right to rocky rib, & finish as for Rhum Doodle/Savage Slut.
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14 - Dead Finger
HS 4a
Length: 25m
Alan & Andy Tees
Start as for Caveat Emptor(climb jamming crack to ledge),step right & follow groove up some mostly sound (but disturbing looking) rock, to the top.
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15 - Carthage
HS 4a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Bill Magowan 19/03/2000
This takes the central crack on the "Return Wall" left of Rhumdoodle. Crux is about one third height where a buldge in the fissure is surmounted on a good undercut.
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16 - Rhumdoodle
S 4a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Bill Magowan 19/03/2000
This starts up the prominent arete that forms the "Bend" at the left hand end of the Himalayas cliff. Pull up over blocky spike to slab, and move up left of arete to gain ramp. Delicate moves at the top of the ramp leadr to easier climbing rightward to cleaned ledge. From far side of ledge step out right onto exposed slab and continue to the top, exiting off a sharp edge at the top of Fulmar.
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17 - Savage Slut
HVS 5a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Bill Magowan 19/03/2000
This takes the obvious cracks up the wall right of Rhumdoodle to a recess just below the top of the wall (Rest!). Pull up onto cleaned ledge and finish as for Rhumdoodle.
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18 - My Friend John
VS 4c
Length: 30m
Bill Magowan, Alan Tees 8/04/2000
Two metres right of Savage Slut, gain ledge and continue past large flake and two slabby corners. An awkward move out of the second corner is required, before an airy step out right to climb two small overhangs on good holds and gear. A varied route. Previously called "Polecat Retreat"
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19 - Fulmar
HS 4b
Length: 25m
Martin McGuigan, Alan Tees.21/09/02
Takes the big chimney just left of Eviction Notice. Start directly below, and move up to gain short corner(avoiding more grotty approach on right). Continue up, and chimney up the outside,(avoiding the back) to a platform on the left. Step across right, & swing around the corner to finish up the L.H.S. of Eviction slab.
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20 - Eviction Notice Served
E3 6a
Length: 35m
Paul Dunlop, Raymond Dunlop
Takes the obvious steep undulating ramp left of Flight of Fancy. Thin, but it has a good corner crack high on the right.
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21 - Flight of Fancy
HVS 5a
Length: 35m
Alan Tees, V.Russell 3/09/93
2-3 metres left of Himalayan Dream, climb zig- zag finger cracks, and continue up the left hand edge of the wall roughly parallel with Himalayan Dream through cleft and upper wall.
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22 - Himalayan Dream
HS 4a
Length: 30m
Alan Tees, Paul Robinson 3/09/93
The original route on the wall follows a line of cracks starting one metre left of Bawg and trending slightly leftwards to gain corner high on the wall.
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23 - Bawg in til the Oxters Sor
VS 4c
Length: 20m
Frankie McCloskey, Pete Smith 16/05/99
At the right hand side of Himalayan Wall there is a triangular roofed niche just right of Himalayan Dream. Climb crack to sloping ledge and continue up to overhang. Finish up wide stepped crack.
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