
Editor: Malinbeg (North End)

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Crag Profile: Malinbeg (North End)

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Malinbeg, North End - Neptunes Wall

Directions: The sea cliffs at Malin Beg are tremendously popular, providing a very attractive combination of good clean rock, easy access and generally better weather than elsewhere in the county. Routes are short, mainly in the lower grades and consequently a rather relaxed atmosphere prevails. The only longish routes (up to 40m) are on Duan Head but suffer from a band of loose rock running across the top and are thus rather more serious than most. Climbing is usually feasible throughout the year and midges are rare. Care is needed with tides and in high seas waves can break right over the crag. The normal approach is from Donegal town, along the N56 to Killybegs and then the R263 through Carrick (An Charraig) towards Glencolumcille (Glean Cholm Cille). As this is a Gaeltact area, most of the road signs show the Irish spelling of the towns and villages. Approx 5km from Carrick turn left towards Malin Beg and Malin More. At the Malin More crossroads turn left to arrive at the tiny village of Malin Beg. By continuing straight on the road you end at a small car park with access to the Silver Strand, a justifiably popular beach, but by turning right at the crossroads in the centre of the village you reach the tiny natural harbour. Continue past the last cottage on a rough track and park on the grassy cliff top. This area provides an excellent campsite but is often used by the local fishermen for drying and mending their nets, so care is needed. Continue up the track, passing the old watch-tower on your left, to arrive at the top of the crag, at the top of Narrow Zawn. The various sections of the crag are described from the right to the left looking out to sea. Duan Head is the large headland separating the harbour from the Silver Strand, on the left looking out to sea from the campsite. It is reached by a short walk along the grassy cliff top from the harbour. As well as the numerous climbs described there exists almost endless possibilities for sea level traversing at all grades, SW1a NORTH END The most northerly continuous section of the crag is the steep pocked wall lined with vertical grooves known as Neptune's Wall. The bottom of the wall is easily reached by scrambling down from the north side but the area is tidal. The first route described lies on a small island north of Neptune's Wall, reached by crossing a narrow channel at low tide.

OS Grid Reference: G490795

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1 - Fliuch Baite
S 4a
Length: 6m
D Doyle, M O'Shea, P Norton (16/7/79)
Fliuch Baite 6m S .4a On the wall of the island facing the mainland are two obvious cracks, the route follows the left-hand crack, gained by an awkward mantleshelf from a boulder in the channel.
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Next climbs are around the corner, to the right, on Neptune's Wall. The wall is easily identified by the slot/cave in the wall's centre.
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2 - Shaky Rigging
* *
HS 4b
Length: 15m
D Byrne, P O'Connor (13/4/79)
Start: At the extreme left-hand side of Neptune's Wall. Climb a 5m crack to the top of a block, then move onto a steeper section of wall to the right. Climb on small holds to the top.
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3 - The Jig
HS 4c
No length recorded
E Cooper, T Cooper, T Ryan (2/84)
A girdle of Neptune's Wall, starting as Shaky Rigging and finishing just left of the right-hand corner.
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4 - The Bosun's Ladder-
* * *
S 4a
Length: 15m
P Sloane, P O'Connor, J Leonard (1/8/77)
Start: 2m right of Shaky Rigging. Follow an obvious deep vertical crack and groove system with good holds. Crux is at about 10m, and excellent protection is available.
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5 - Hydrophobia
* * *
VS 4b
Length: 15m
D.Keena, S.Long 9/04/78
Start: 2m right of The Bosun's Ladder. Follow a line directly up the centre of the wall on good holds and protection.
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6 - Carrig Una
Length: 15m
J Leonard, P O'Connor, G Barrett (9/4/78)
The crackline 1M left of the slot. From the base of the wall move up to a small stance, then over a slight bulge to easier climbing before the top.
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7 - Rabid Puffin
HS 4c
Length: 12m
P.Cooper & E.Johnson 12/06/05
Climb out of the back of the rock cave by via the right hand corner and crack, once out onto the face step left to gain a crack and reach top.
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8 - Splashdown
Length: 13m
G McGrath, P Wynn (8/4/78)
The line 1M right of the the slot/cave's right hand end, with a small overhang at the ledge. One of Malin Beg's earliest routes.
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9 - Red Duster
S 3c
Length: 13m
J Butler, G Barrett, J Leonard (16/4/79
Start: At the base of a waterlogged corner right of Splashdown with access via a downward curving ramp. Climb corner to horizontal ramp and then continue directly up the headwall, trending slightly right at the top.
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8M to the right and almost opposite Red Duster there is a smooth black slab capped with overhangs.
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32 - Stolen Bottletop
VD -
Length: 13m
C. Taylor & S. Mason 30/07/2016
Start as for Red Duster. Upon gaining the ramp, move right and ascend the corner to finish.
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10 - Keelhaul
Length: 14m
P Coakley, J Leonard, P Sloan (16/4/79)
Move up slab into overhanging corner. Delicate move to gain an awkward ledge, then step around left onto the higher slab. Continue up on big pockets to the top, moving slightly right. Protection difficult to arrange.
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11 - Scuppered
VS 4c
Length: 15m
M Smith, P Beattie, D Hughes (20/6/81)
Start: Short overhanging corner right of Keelhaul. Climb corner and step out left onto Keelhaul slab. Climb crack up right edge of slab to farthest right overhang which is climbed on the left.
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12 - Salmon Pink
VS 4c
Length: 12m
K Murphy M Ni Chiosain (24/6/80)
Start: A few metres right of Scuppered and 5m left of Evelyn Marie on a wall facing the sea, is a curving corner. Start slightly to the left and below this. Gain the base of the corner easily and climb it until a large handhold on the right wall can be reached. Using this move up and out right onto the wall which is followed easily to the top.
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13 - Jib
VS 4b
Length: 12m
A McQuoid, D Hughes (21/6/81
Start: 2m left of Evelyn Marie, below an overhang. Move up and over the overhang on good holds. Make a spectacular but straight forward step left around the arete and climb the steep wall above.
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14 - Evelyn Marie
HS -
Length: 12m
A Irving, P O Connor, J Leonard (22/7/78)
Start: The climb takes the obvious fault and crack running up a short dark corner about 10m south of Keelhaul. Climb the awkward wide crack until a move to the left enables the crack above to be gained. Follow this to easier rock and the top. Good protection.
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15 - Swell
VS 5a
Length: 12m
K Quinn, D Stelfox (5/83)
The route follows the prominent arete left of Trident with only one awkward move past the overhang.
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16 - Trident
VS 4c
Length: 12m
D Keena, C McGrath, S Long (8/4/78
Climb ramp to base of 'Swell's' overlap, move diagonally right and gain wall above (crux). Continue to top.
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Moving south from 'Trident' there are some small slabs and grooves, followed by an easy chimney forming the next corner. The next two climbs take the pock-marked wall on the south side of the chimney's corner. Numerous variations are possible.
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17 - Ancient Mariner
S 4a
Length: 12m
I. Miller, C. McDaid 14/02.09
Climb the very obvious full crag height groove Imediately to the right (south) of Swell. RP's Handy!
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17a - Anger Management
S 4a
Length: 10m
I. Miller, C. Gleeson 28/05/12
Starting 2m to the left of "David Banner," and directly below a left facing corner high on the face. Climb direct to the corner of excellent holds and tiny gear, pull through the corner high above last gear.
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18 - David Banner
S 4a
Length: 10m
P McFarland, B Galway (15/9/79)
David Banner starts at a white quartzy piece of rock left of the pockled wall. Climb directly upwards, parallel to 'The Hulk', moving out left on tiny holds with strenuous pull up to the top.
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About 15M south of 'The Hulk' and across a narrow inlet is a smooth twisting black slab.
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19 - The Hulk
Length: 10m
J Leonard, P O'Connor (8/4/78)
From the middle of the pockled wall, follow the good holds to a stance at the half-height; then up a groove on the left to finish.
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20 - Big Jessie
VD -
Length: 12m
C. McDaid, I. Miller 14/02/09
On the slabby wall opposite the "Torn Sole" corner, climb the vertical cracks up the left edge of the slab.
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21 - Wee Jessie
VD -
Length: 10m
I. Miller, C. McDaid 14/02/09
Climb the right hand edge of the Slab.
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3M to the right around the corner of the black slab.
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22 - Torn Sole
HS 4b
Length: 12m
B Galway, P McFarland(15/9/79)
On the black slab below the slightly overhanging corner. Climb the corner (crux) and proceed directly up the slab above on good holds to the top.
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23 - Black Sole
VS 4b
Length: 12m
P Sloane, J Leonard, P Coakley (15/4/79)
Climb the leftward trending weakness on small holds to reach a good stance on the arete (crux). Continue up a series of large blocks to the top. Poorly protected.
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Moving further south there are a number of short slabs offering pleasant scrambling. The last of these finishes in an obvious corner, the right side of which has a very steep north facing wall.
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24 - Phucked Yard Arm
HVS 5a
Length: 15m
A McQuoid, D Hughes ;21/6/81)
Start: 2m right of Black Sole below an obvious fault that drifts left to a good ledge. Climb up directly, leaving the leftward trend of the fault at 5m to gain a small sharp flake 1 m below the first ledge and mantleshelf up (crux). Two further mantleshelves lead up the steep wall to the top.
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25 - Out of the Blue
E1 5b
Length: 15m
E Cooper (4/81)
Start at the corner between the slab and the wall. Climb up the corner to a ledge on the right. Step right and layback up to pinch grips and small flake. Swing left and up ledges to the top.
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26 - Shanghied
HVS 5a
Length: 15m
P Clerkin, P Clerkin (27/8/83)
Start: Below the centre of the steep wall between Out of the Blue and Nautiroot. Climb crack for about 3m straight up centre of the wall on delicate holds and even more delicate protection out over the bulge (crux) to finish.
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27 - Nautiroot/Captain Flint
HS 4b
Length: 15m
T Saunders, S Alston (1979)
The original route. Nautiroot started on a high ledge left of the arete left of Calvin's Corner. The harder Captain Flint gains the arete up the wall, starting ^about 2m left of Calvin's Corner. Climb the crack on the left edge of the wall to a small quartz nose. Turn this on the left and follow crack more easily to the top.
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29 - Roller
HVS 5a
Length: 15m
E Cooper, N Mclllroy (1982)
An eliminate line climbing the cracks in the left wall of Calvin' Corner.
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A few metres to the right of 'Calvin's Corner' is a large face, this is the start of Narrow Zawn's climbs; opposite The Main West Wall. Access via scramble.
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30 - Calvin's Corner
* * *
Length: 8m
C Torrans, S Billane (24/5/75)
Start: The obvious dark corner right of Nautiroot, normally approached from the easy slabs to the south. Climb the corner directly to the top. Was VS in 79 & 85 guides.
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30a - I'm Not Afeard of Them, I just Don't Like Them
HS 4b
Length: 9m
R Kernan and J McCloy, 18/11/12
Right of Calvin's Corner is an alcove. Climb the corner on the left hand side of this to a ledge. Continue slightly left to the top. Plenty of limestone-esque jug handles and weird looking holds. 
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31 - Harpoon
VD -
Length: 9m
J Leonard, P O'Connor (26/10/78)
Start: A few metres to the right of Calvin's Corner and a little higher. Climb an awkward corner to a large ledge. Move left and across to top of corner crack to a second ledge and then by a corner above to the top. To the south now are a series of ribbed slabs providing pleasant scrambling and convenient descents to either the last five routes or all the routes in a- Narrow Zawn area.
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