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Fairhead For Fearless Feeney

Date: 10th September 2006
Submitted by: Anthony Feeney
George and I met at the Ozone wall last week, along with Gaby, Chris and Maeve. This is starting to turn into a regular thing as we head into the dark nights. George climbed and I attempted to climb various routes with me invariably peeling off and swinging around like a wrecking ball and losing some skin in the process, having got 3 feet off the ground.

Anyway we decided to meet up on Sunday for a day at Fairhead. Gaby et al were off to the Mournes for a day's training and Niall was desperately trying to get back from Belfast so it ended up being just the two of us, though the Prow was as busy as ever with maybe 10 people climbing. We did Curlew VS, followed by Stone Mad HVS and finished on Contortions VS. We misjudged the rope length on Curlew and kind of did it in 2 pitches, George belaying a few metres below the exit. Lots of hand jamming on the crux of Stone Mad and most of the way up Contortions, which I found harder than the HVS due to hanging on my wrists and forearms most of the way up. George of course monkied up the 3 of them and was ready for a 4th, even a 2-pitcher like Chieftain, but I was puffed. The only things in range for me was Bramble S or Foxy HS but the former is very short with a messy exit and the latter is very loose, so we packed up and headed home.

The rain, which had held off all day, kicked in as I drove off, so maybe I'll use that excuse for not doing a 4th.

Note to self: Get a bandanna or headband. Dripping sweat all over George as we changed belays on Curlew was not cool. :)

Photo of Route