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My Alpine Meet, Argentiere 2011

Date: 8th to 18th July
Submitted by: George C
 I arrived at the campsite in Argentiere around 12 noon on Friday 8th; most people where out and about doing everything from roadside craging to Alpine ridges.

By the evening Sandra, Mike, Alan and others appeared, with tails of what they had been up to the previous week.

The following day Sandra and I went off to do a multipitch route on the Index, we had gotten within 2 pitches of the top when we decided to abseil off having gotten frustrated with the slow progress of the climbers in front. We headed to a roadside crag near Chamonix called Gaillands which was busy with climbers of all ages and abilities out for an afternoons pleasant climbing. When we got back to the campsite that evening we were informed by Alan that we were booked into the Toreno hut for the following 2 evenings to do the Rocheford arête and whatever else we might feel up too.After a misunderstanding on the leaving time (Sandra and I almost got left behind) we caught up with the others in Chamonix where we caught a bus through the tunnel in to Italy, then the cable car which took us right to the hut.The following morning, was the usual early alpine start and on towards the Rocheford arête which took us past the mighty Dent Du Geant. The ridge offered a bit off exposure and great views of the surrounding mountains, the round trip taking about 9hours.The following day we climbed the Tour Ronde by the S/E ridge which offered some interesting climbing in places.The next day was spent pottering about Chamonix in the rain and the following day I went up on the cable cars to the Aguielle du midi for a look about then went craging at Gaillands again in the afternoon.On the 15th Michael and I went up to do a climb on the Brevent called la Poeme a lou a bolted multipitch rock route which went at TD+ with pitches up to 6c.  There had been a lot of talk about this route in the campsite with 2 other groups having climbed it earlier in the week and finding it challenging to say the least. It was an interesting experience which pushed me outside my comfort zone but Michael was in his element tackling the most difficult pitch on the route with relish. We finished in good time with no epics and were back in Chamonix by 3pm sipping a cool beer.The 16th I went up on the cable car in the morning to take a look at the Aiguille petite Vert, and take in the views of the Dru. Then in the afternoon went for a walk with Alfie and Mike from the top of the Index across to Lac Blanc and back into Argentiere.The last full day was a washout which ment packing up the tent in the rain before heading to the comfort of the nearby Gete le Belvedere then into Chamonix for another tour of the gear shops. Then home on the 18th.  


Photo of Route