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AGM minutes

Date: 6th Oct 2012
Submitted by: Alan Tees

Minutes of Colmcille Climbing Club AGM 2012 at McGrory’s Culdaff 6/10/12

In the absence of the chairman, Anthony Feeney chaired the meeting.  Present were Valli Schafer, Bill Magowan, Alfie Conn, Geoff Thomas,Alan and Margaret Tees,Dennis Golden, Anthony and P J Feeney, Kevin McGee, Des O’Connor, Shane Taggart,  David Wesson,  Sian Kelly, Sandra Kennedy, George Carlton,  and  apologies were received from Maeve McKeever, Peter Cooper, and Keith and Sandra Monaghan.

Secretary’s Report.

Anthony’s secretary’s report outlined the main events of the year, and in conclusion, he felt that he could not continue in the post for another year due to family commitments, and the fact that he could no longer access email at work.

Treasurer’s Report

There followed the treasurers report, in which Dennis confirmed that the club’s finances were in a reasonably healthy state with a balance of £1397.  The current membership fee is £30 or €30 ( of which approx £26 goes to MI), so he proposed that the membership fee stayed the same, but that the current Euro/sterling exchange rate be applied (€38) + €3 on euro payments to cover the bank charges.  This was agreed,  but without the extra 3 euro!  Dual membership (ie members who pay their MI affiliation through another club) to be £5 or €6.  Further, as we receive 10% discount from MI for payment before 1st November, it was agreed to surcharge members by that amount for payment received after 23rd Oct.  PJ reminded members that most of our funds came from the fact that no teeshirts were provided last year at the Climbfest, and that we would need these funds,  to help finance the production of teeshirts in 2013.


Martin had suggested that an annual payment to Pete Smith be made for costs relating to the website, so it was proposed by Bill that an annual payment of £100 be made (sec Valli) as soon as possible, and appreciation was expressed to Pete (our president) for his ongoing support.

New joining/renewal membership procedures.

These were  proposed by Dennis, Anthony and Alan, fees to be paid by 23/10 (see above) by cash (£,or €,) cheque ( if in €, make it payable to Colmcille Climbers, not Dennis) Credit Draught or electronic transfer (please advise Dennis that you have done so).  Don’t forget to confirm your email, and postage address (for Mt Log), if you are a new member ,or have changed any of your details.   This was agreed by the meeting, and the procedures will be posted on the website.


Dennis and George will continue as treasurer, and environmental officer,  respectively, Geoff Thomas becomes chairman replacing Marty, and Alan( ably assisted by Margaret as membership sec) will take over the secretary’s duties for the coming year.   Maeve to be training officer (East) and Des O’Connor (West).



The Ionastone was awarded jointly to Des and Shane.   PJ and Anthony proposed a system of ‘fines’ for the next year’s agm, by which members were fined for various humorous misdemeanours during the year, and the proceeds would go to charity, MT Rescue or the coastguard.


Derry Wall.

Des reported that 2015 seems to be the new date for completion, but that there is a push to generate interest in the meantime by encouraging appropriate training, and increased usage of the existing facility at St Columbs Park.  An email from Maeve advised that members will be encouraged to go to the wall on Thursday nights (Paul Dunlop is trying to arrange free access, beginning Nov), there may be new holds, and performance training.


MI Spring Meet

We have been approached by MI to co host the MI AGM/Spring Meet in Donegal, jointly with a hillwalking club.  MI are to ask Foyle Ramblers.   The meeting were in favour in principal, but we await developments.

Winter Activities

Alan proposed that members should put their proposed activities on the website, be it mountain biking, kayaking, or hillwalking.  Ant and PJ will look at the Christmas party venue, for 1st Dec, and Torridon appears to be the target for the Scottish winter trip on the last weekend in February.


Due to be In Cruit 2013, Ant and PJ to contact Anna about camping.   Members were keen to provide a good quality freebie for 2013.  Valli will provide a tee shirt design, and Sandra will investigate the MI Berghaus contact to see if something more technical can be provided.

AOB;  On Line Guide

Alfie suggests that grades on the on line guide should be updated as per the comments.  Alan agreed that this should be done, hopefully in concert with the new app.  Donegal is apparently now complete, with the exception of Inishowen.  George pointed out that Peter Cooper had sent some stuff on Inishowen to Alan to be shown at the AGM, but Alan advised that he had not as yet received it.

Anthony thanked everyone for their attendance, and some slides were shown of Norway and The Czech Republic.  Thanks to McGrory’s for free use of the backroom, and projection facilities.

Alan Tees,   Secretary, (PS, Let me know if I have got anything wrong before I circulate)


13 Oct 2012

Hostel in Torridon not open unto 1st weekend in march, does that weekend suit?

21 Oct 2012

Sorry, but I'm in Belgium that weekend :(

25 Oct 2012

Alan, One slight correction to the Minutes:- I had proposed a £1 (or Euro equivalent) addition to the fee for Euro payers towards the cost of currency conversion which is £3 per transaction (on the probability that I would, on average, deposit three persons' fees at a time).

Photo of Route