Climbfest 2023

The Donegal Climbfest 2023 will take place in Culdaff on the weekend 28th April – 1st May.

Camping will be available at Bunagee, behind the pier.

Parking at the campsite area is very limited. Please only drive up the lane to the campsite to drop off your camping gear. All cars, vans and motorhomes should be parked at the pier.

Toilets will be available in the form of portaloos at the campsite/pier.

Registration cost is €20 per person, which includes a t-shirt and camping fees.

Some top ropes will be set up at Dunowen, approx. 200m from the campsite.

The usual “come and try it” session will be on Saturday morning at Dunmore Head, starting approximately 10am.

Sat evening there will be a gathering at the campsite area, by the shipping containers. BYO BBQ, food and drink.

Click here for topos of all the local climbing areas.

6 thoughts on “Climbfest 2023”

  1. Hi ! I’m just looking for some info ! I’m thinking of travelling up for climbfest with my children for the weekend, they won’t all be climbing , I have 5 children so just wondering do I pay for the kids that will be taking part ? Thank you Keelin!

    1. Hi Keelin,
      There are no registration fees for children. If they wanted t-shirts then there would be a cost for that, but otherwise, they can take part in the climbing etc free of charge.
      Looking forward to seeing you there!

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